Jones Beach Theater Parking
Parking information shown here may be subject to change. For latest parking information, please view Live Nation listing here.
Jones Beach Amphitheater Address:
895 Bay Parkway, Wantagh, New York 11793

Enter the Jones Beach Theater address into into Google Maps or your cars satellite navigation system.
Please be aware that traffic in Wantagh nearer to the Jones Beach Theater is known to be busier than normal around times of the major events. Always allow plenty of time to arrive, park and then walk to the entrance.
Jones Beach Theater is located at 895 Bay Pkwy, Wantagh, NY 11793.
The venue owners recommend using Bus Route N88 Freeport and Jones Beach to get to the venue.
For patrons who want to drive, you should use BAY PKWY, WANTAGH, NY 11793 as your destination point in your GPS or mapmaking software. Read on for information about parking.
Parking Information
You can drive to Jones Beach Theater from New York City in under an hour and there’s plenty of parking. Gates usually open 90 minutes to 2 hours before the concert starts. Check the exact time on your ticket, as showtimes can vary.
The State Park has a midnight curfew, and absolutely no camping, tailgating or overnight parking is allowed. Jones Beach Theater concerts usually end around 10:30 to 11pm.
General Parking
Parking is free with your concert ticket, and assigned in lots #4 and #5, unless you choose to pay extra for Premier Parking. You’ll likely experience bottlenecks leaving lot #5, with frequent delays, as there’s only one exit onto Ocean Parkway.
Accessible Parking
ADA parking is available at the amphitheater, located within the VIP lot #5A. There is also an accessible entrance to the theater. This parking lot is controlled by New York State Park Police, with Jones Beach Theater VIP staff operating it during performances.
VIP and Premier Parking
Lot #5A is reserved for VIP ticket holders and those with a VIP pass. You can also pay extra for Premier Parking. Only those with stamped VIP or Premier Parking tickets will have access to this lot. People often choose to pay the premium because it has separate access onto Wantagh State Parkway.
Parking Rates
General Parking is free for concert ticket holders in Field 5 and $10.00 for all others unless you purchase unlimited use Empire Passport for $80 – weekdays fee is collected until 4 pm – w/ends until 6 pm.
Other parking options include:
VIP LOT is #5A – for concerts you need a special ticket or VIP pass stamped VIP PARKING or PREMIER PARKING. This lot is desirable because it has a separate exit out to the Wantagh State Parkway. The main lot #5 you will experience a delay leaving the venue, due to the design of Jones Beach State Park this lot always experiences a bottleneck with only one exit onto the Ocean Parkway.
Be prepared for standstill traffic leaving this lot.
CONCERTS usually end around 10:30 to 11 PM, there’s a midnight curfew at this State Park. No overnight parking allowed.
Ample Special Needs / Handicap parking is available at the venue. For concerts, guests should follow the roadway signs on Bay Parkway(east) and use their Special Needs tag to enter the VIP/Special needs lot. The parking lot is designated as lot 5A inside the Jones Beach State Park. Special Needs parking is based upon availability. Jones Beach Theater will make every effort to accommodate guests should special needs parking not be available. The VIP/Special Needs lot is controlled by New York State Park Police and is operated by our VIP staff during performances.
If you’re prepared to walk further to get to Jones Beach Theater, park in Lot #4. This allows you a much easier exit after the concert.
If you don’t drive, NYC branch line trains stop at Freeport, where you should find an N88 bus to make the transfer. There’ll be a bit of walking at the end! Some concert-goers report that buses failed to return after the show to take them back to Freeport, leaving them stranded.